If the game does not run, or will not start most of the time, and nothing else seems to fix the problem, Virtu MVP might be causing the issue. If you are unable to access the options, manually edit GraphicsSettingsDX9.ini or GraphicsSettingsDX11.ini (depending on which DirectX mode you use) in %USERPROFILE%\ Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5 to the correct resolution (1024x768 Minimum). To fix this, go into options and change the game resolution. Sometimes after installing the game, the game resolution will be larger than the screen and parts of the game will be cut off. If antialiasing is enabled and this issue is present (causing the screen to be black), you can edit GraphicsSettingsDX11.ini to fix this. It is recommended that you enabled anti-aliasing through your graphics software, and not the game.